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Break the Fast with the Healthiest Smoothie!

I love drinking this first thing in the morning because it gives me a zing of energy and I have noticed that if I start out my day with greens & healthy antioxidants I crave healthier food the rest of the day. This smoothie is full of fiber, protein, good fats, omegas and is loaded with antioxidants & phytonutrients! I hope you enjoy!

Courtney's Breakfast Smoothie

 Serves 1

Note: I change up the fruit everyday so I don't get sick of drinking the same smoothie all the time! I always use frozen fruit so I can have a variety to choose from and I like my smoothies really cold.



1 tbsp Chia Seeds

1 tsp Hemp seeds

1 tsp Matcha Powder (optional. I love it for the energy & antioxidants!)

1 tbsp Vitamineral Green (or a good quality organic green powder)

1 scoop of Vega Protein powder (or your favorite good quality organic protein powder)

1 cup of water, coconut water, or your favorite non-dairy milk

Fruit of choice*

Optional: handful of kale or spinach

Optional: 1 tbsp almond or peanut butter



  1. Throw all ingredients in the blender and blend till smooth!