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Probiotic Kombucha Gummies!

Lemon Ginger Berry Kombucha Gummies to be exact!

If you are at all familiar with my blog & Instagram you know I talk a lot about gut health and it's importance. I recently discovered the amazing health benefits of collagen & gelatin and I feel so passionately about it I even made a quick video explaining all of the wonderful health properties. You can check that out below. 


These gummies give your gut a double dose of amazing benefits with the added bacteria from the kombucha! 

You will need a candy mold for these, or you could use an ice cube tray! I used my mini "reese's" PB cup mold. I bought it here on Amazon.


Lemon Ginger-Berry Kombucha Gummies

 Yields 8-12

Note: You can use any combo of fruit and Kombucha flavor you like! Feel free to experiment with your favorite kombucha flavor. You need to heat the gelatin up, but it doesnt have to be piping hot to melt it, just warm. You dont want to heat it up too hot or you will kill off the beneficial bacteria in the kombucha.


1 cup of berries, pureed (I used raspberries & strawberries)

Tiny piece of ginger (puree with the berries)

1 cup coconut water

1 cup of Lemon Ginger Kombucha (I used Health Ade)

1 tsp Maple syrup or coconut sugar (you can use more, but I prefer to keep my sugar intake down & these were plenty sweet with the coconut water, berries & kombucha)

8 tablespoons of Vital Proteins Grass Fed Gelatin


  1. Have all ingredients ready to go before starting
  2. Simmer coconut water over the stove, slowly starting to stir in the gelatin, 1 tbsp at a time. Stir to release any clumps. Make sure to not overheat the coconut water.
  3. Stir in the pureed berries and maple syrup
  4. Remove from heat and let cool down slightly if it got too hot.
  5. Mix in the Kombucha
  6. Pour into molds and refrigerate until hard
  7. I like to store mine in the fridge – I think they taste better cold!