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Cashew Cream Cheeze Icing

I love cream cheese icing. I think love is an understatement. I'm that person who if given the option between the cake or the icing, I'd say hand me a spoon and take the icing!  But traditional cream cheese icing is full of dairy and loaded with white powdered sugar, which is hardly healthy. I was making cupcakes recently and I really wanted a cream cheese icing that wouldn't make me feel like crap an hour after eating it and thats how this recipe was born! I made it for a group of friends for 4th of July and didn't tell anyone it was vegan and lets just say I went home with an empty cupcake container. :)



 Yields enough for 12 cupcakes

Note: If you dont have a high powered blender you will want to soak your cashews 6-8 hours beforehand


8 oz Plain Kite Hill cream cheese style spread

2 tbsp maple syrup

Juice of ½ lemon

1 tsp vanilla

½ cup cashews


  1. Blend all ingredients together until smooth
  2. Spread over cupcakes, cake, toast, whatever you like!