Love Your Guts : Fermentation & Gut Health PT 1

This is a special video series I did with my dear friend Melanie Foreman. Anyone who knows Melanie knows she is a wealth of information on anything fermented. You will always find healthy tonics & kimchi or kraut growing in her fridge and some sort of homemade kombucha or beer brewing on the kitchen counter. She is the queen of fermentation or as I like to refer to her as my expert fermentator. 

So I asked her to film a video with me to chat about gut health & why you should care. Gut health is a hot topic in the health world right now and for good reason. Did you know 70-80% of your immune system is in your gut? Studies are also revealing that our gut is directly linked to brain health and it is now referred to as our second brain.

This is a 2 part video series and I'll be releasing the second one tomorrow along with this coming weeks REAL FOOD CHALLENGE!